Markus Domaas Lindahl
Student, The Oslo School of Architecture and Lund University
Being on a study trip, one get new impulses.
De facto, study trips is a vital part of the architectural study exercise.
My course this fall traveled japan for three weeks.
The japanese has a word, gaijin, which can be explained in a broad context as being an outsider.
This includes people visiting another country, as well as japanese who has been raised in another city, then moving to a new one. This set of photographs highlights us, the travelers.
"I have read many observations about Tokyo by foreigners, some of which were very interesting.
I was always keen to know about the author, some detail from his private life an about the relationshop between his private life and the city...
That inner space is deeply related to our understanding of the variety of urban scales, and reflected in our contacts within the city" (Kengo Kuma) (reference 1)
(reference 1):
Darko Radovic and Davisi Boontharm, Small Tokyo, IKI+Flick studio co., ltd, 2012, page 19